This is the April 28, 2022 issue of the Crop and Pest Report, the first issue in 2022.

Plant Pathology

Projections for 2022 Sugarbeet Crop

Wheat – Fungicide Seed Treatments

See all plant pathology articles

Plant Science

Crop Production Resources

Preemergence is Paramount if you intend to Grow Sugarbeet in 2022

See all plant science articles


Fertilizer Rates when Costs are High (Part 1 – N Calculators)

Fertilizer Rates when Costs are High (Part 2 – starter fertilizers)

Fertilizer Rates when Costs are High (Part 3- specifics for crops)

See all soils articles


PPO-Inhibitor (Group 14) Resistant Waterhemp Confirmed in Seven Counties

See all weeds articles

Around the State

North Central ND

South Central/Southeast ND

Southwest ND

See all around the state articles


The April 28 to May 4, 2022 Weather Summary and Outlook.

See all weather articles

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