Minnesota Association Of Wheat Growers
Districts & Representation
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers board is made up of seven members.
Two represent District 1; two represent District 2; and three represent At-large serving the entire state. Members serve three-year terms on the board and there is a term limitation of three consecutive three-year terms.
The MAWG Board meets approximately six times a year. The Board of Directors are encouraged to attend and participate in MAWG Annual Convention in December during the Prairie Grains Conference and the National Association of Wheat Growers meetings. There are other meetings that some board members should attend, however, they are a matter of choice if individuals are available to participate. MAWG BoD are encouraged to attend lobbying trips to DC and to the MN State Capital in St. Paul. Board members travel with other MAWG officers to meet with our state elected officials. Pertinent Information is sent out via email regularly to keep board members updated. The time commitment after the regular board meetings is up to each individual board member. Everyone understands this, but sometimes board members have not always followed that rule when pressing issues were at hand. Many of our board members state that being on the board has helped them in their farming operations, i.e., meet people with new ideas, expand their knowledge and generally help them have a larger view of the industry they are in.
Board members are not paid for the involvement; however, their travel-related expenses are covered and they receive a stipend for each meeting to cover other costs associated with being a board member.