Weekly information on crop production and pest management in North Dakota.

This is the July 14, 2022 issue of the Crop and Pest Report, the eleventh issue in 2022.

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News, Events & Updates

Ag NDSU Field Days Set

Sugarbeet Plot Summer Tour 2022 Schedule


IPM Insect Trapping Update

Scout for Wheat Midge During Peak Emergence

Canola – Bertha Armyworm and Diamondback

Moth Update

Aphid Update

European Corn Borer Trapping Update

Plant Pathology

Agri Tin and Super Tin Received Special Local Needs Label for Use on Sugarbeet in Minnesota

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) Risk and Fungicide Reminders

Optimizing Fungicide Timing and Droplet Size for Management of White Mold in Soybeans

Plant Science

Canola Flowering

Soybean Flowering

Many Small Grain Fields are in the Fungicide Application Window for Scab Now


Controlling Escape Waterhemp in Sugarbeet

Around the State

North Central ND

Northeast ND

South-Central/Southeast ND

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