This is the May 12, 2022 issue of the Crop and Pest Report, the second issue in 2022.


Wireworm Control Options

Soybean Aphid – Overwintering Mortality

Revised Soybean Aphid Pub

See all entomology articles

Plant Pathology

Wet Field Conditions Delay Sugarbeet Planting

See all plant pathology articles

Plant Science


Field Pea

Navy Bean Yield Response to Rows Spacing and Plant Population

Sugar beet Producer Conversations the First Half of May

See all plant science articles


Late Wet Spring Soil/Fertilizer Considerations

See all soils articles


National Agriculture Genotyping Center to Offer Pigweed Resistance Screening

Don’t Skip Preemergence Herbicides in 2022

See all weeds articles


Winter Injury on Spruce Trees

See all forestry articles

Around the State

North Central ND

South-Central/Southeast ND

Southwest ND

See all around the state articles


The May 12 to May 18, 2022 Weather Summary and Outlook

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