Weekly information on crop production and pest management in North Dakota

This is the May 26, 2022 issue of the Crop and Pest Report, the fourth issue in 2022.

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Canola Flea Beetles Slowly Emerging

HIGH Risk for Seed Corn Maggot

Alfalfa Weevil Update

See all entomology articles

Plant Pathology

Best Management Practices for Highest Returns in Late Planted Sugarbeet

See all plant pathology articles

Plant Science

Soybean Yield Potential

Late Start of the Planting Season

Pinto Bean Row Spacing and Plant Population

Land Rolling

See all plant science articles


Fertilizer Options if Planned Corn Moves to Plan B

See all soils articles


The War Against Weeds Podcast

See all weeds articles

Around the State

North Central ND

Northeast ND

Northwest ND

Root Rot Risk in Field Pea and Lentil with Late Seeding into Wet Soils

South-Central/Southeast ND

Southwest ND

See all around the state articles


The May 26 to June 1, 2022 Weather Summary and Outlook

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