Weekly information on crop production and pest management in North Dakota

This is the June 23, 2022 issue of the Crop and Pest Report, the eighth issue in 2022.

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Grasshopper Problems Continuing

Emergence of Leafy Spurge Beetles in 2022 Behind Normal Emergence Timing

Scout Alfalfa Regrowth for Alfalfa Weevils

First Detection of Soybean Aphids in ND

Chlorpyrifos Update

Plant Pathology

Scout and Record Sugarbeet Fields with Fusarium Yellows in Sugarbeet

Heat, Wind and Wind Blown Soil Damage Sugarbeet

Plant Science

Estimate Plant Population

Heat Crinkle is Back in Emerging Potato Plants


Topdress and Side-Dress N Timing


Herbicides and Hot Weather

Growth Stage Cutoffs for Herbicide Applications in Corn and Soybean

Project Safe Send Dates and Locations

Around the State

North Central ND

Northeast ND

South-Central/Southeast ND

Southwest ND


June 23 to June 29, 2022 Weather Summary and Outlook

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