Washington, D.C. (October 18, 2022) – Today, the National Wheat Yield Contest (NWYC) is announcing the winners for the 2022 contest, which is the seventh year the National Wheat Foundation has held the contest. This year we had a contest record yield of 231.37 bushels per acre that was achieved by Rylee Reynolds in Twin Falls County, Idaho. Rylee’s 231 bu/ac tops the prior contest record of 211 bu/ac in 2019. Rylee and his dad, Gary, both placed as National Winners in the winter wheat irrigated category. Additionally, the Pacific Northwest (PNW) had some great wheat this year; all 4 of the Bin Buster winners are from the PNW.
The contest encourages wheat growers to strive for high yield, quality and profit while trying new and innovative management strategies in their wheat.
“We know that genetics, environment and management all need to be just right for wheat to thrive, and we are proud to see so many wheat growers continue to reach for higher and better yields, while also growing wheat that customers desire,” said Joe Kejr, National Wheat Foundation Chair. There was exceptional participation from all over the wheat growing states. State winners are recognized from 27 different states. See the list of 2022 state winners here.
Six of the winners have never won at the national level before. The contest recognizes winners in two primary competition categories: winter wheat and spring wheat, and two subcategories: dryland and irrigated. Contestants had to prove their wheat would grade at levels 1 or 2 to compete. The 24 winners are shipping in a grain sample that will be analyzed for additional quality parameters, and if they meet all the specified “customer-desired” quality targets, they will receive a $500 award. In addition, national winners will receive a trip to the Commodity Classic in Orlando, Florida, in March 2023 and will be recognized at the National Wheat Foundation’s Winner’s Reception.
Our sponsors are critical to the success of the contest. They not only support the contest financially, but they also help their customers with intensive wheat management and encourage them to enter the contest. We want to thank all our 2022 sponsors; WestBred, John Deere, BASF, The McGregor Company, U.S. Wheat Associates, AgriMaXX, Limagrain Cereal Seeds, CoAxium, UPL, Ardent Mills, PlainsGold, Mennel, Dyna-Gro, Ohio Corn and Wheat, Croplan, Miller Milling, GrainCraft, Michigan Wheat, GrainSense, Elevate Ag, FarmLogs, Grow Pro Genetics, Northern Crops Institute, and the North Dakota Mill and Elevator. The official publication of the NWYC is DTN/Progressive Farmer.
The national winners for 2022 are:
Winter Wheat-Dryland
Bin Buster Gene Warren WA
1st Derek Berger OR
2nd Kurt Druffel WA
3rd Darren Grumbine PA
4th Erik Olson ID
5th Nick Suwyn MI
1st-% Over County Doug & Janelle Fitterer ND
2nd-% Over County Zach Balahtsis OK
3rd-% Over County Dylan Lindsey OK
4th-% Over County Chris Carlson ND
5th-% Over County Brett Oelke KS
Winter Wheat-Irrigated
Bin Buster Rylee Reynolds ID
1st Joel Zwainz WA
2nd Gary Reynolds ID
Spring Wheat-Dryland
Bin Buster Bruce Ruddenklau OR
1st Trevor Stout ID
2nd Matthew Krueger MN
3rd Jon Wert ND
1st-% Over County Jordan Christman ND
2nd-% Over County Austin Kautzman ND
3rd-% Over County Greg Messer ND
Spring Wheat-Irrigated
Bin Buster Derek Friehe WA
1st Dallin Wilcox ID
2nd Wes Vandyke OR
For more details on the National Wheat Yield Contest, visit yieldcontest.wheatfoundation.org. For questions on sponsorship of the 2023 contest, contact Anne Osborne aosborne@wheatworld.org.