The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Should empower growers with information and communication technology that allows
them to remain independent while working together in the marketplace, to improve net
• Supports the creation and financing of integrated, farmer-owned processing and
marketing systems that allow farmers to produce, process and directly offer the food
and non-food products that customers around the world demand.
• Supports state and federal funding for assistance in the continued support and
development of rural value-added projects i.e. AURI.
• Supports increased government funding and enhanced government policies for all
export and Ag programs that maximize net income, including wheat donations to keep
the food in Food Aid. (2008 EY)
• Supports increased funding of Foreign Market Development (FMD) and Market Access
Program (MAP). (2016 MP)
• Supports overseas market development programs carried out by the Minnesota Wheat
Research and Promotion Council and U.S. Wheat Associates both funded by check-off
• Supports biotechnology and encourages millers, bakers, and consumers to accept the
use of biotechnology to improve wheat production and wheat end use qualities. (2006)
• Urges that the U.S. and the World Trade Organization (WTO) resolve non-uniform
standards (i.e. chemical registrations/prices, Genetically Enhanced Organisms [GEO]
issues, gene editing (CRISPR)), and unreasonable sanitary/phytosanitary tolerance
levels used to obstruct international grain trade. (i.e. the Canadian Food Inspection
Agency new rules.) (Revised 2012 DL) (Revised 2024 DL)
• Supports the continuation of the Hard Red Spring Classification.
• Supports strong and decisive trade negotiations that eliminate unfair trading practices.
• Supports the use and education of renewable energy i.e. biodiesel, ethanol, wind,
solar, and their byproducts. (Revised 2015 MK) (2022 Revised MK/DL)
• Supports the State of Minnesota purchasing multi-fuel vehicles and using ethanol
blends (E-15/E-85) and biodiesel. (2018 DL)
• Opposes individual state mandatory government labeling of biotech-derived products.
(Revised 2019 TP)
• Urges MIAX to designate additional out-state delivery points within wheat growing
areas that farmers can deliver to. (2011 JK) (Reviewed 2022)
• Supports improved settlement methods on wheat futures contracts that allows for
better convergence of cash and futures markets. (Revised 2008 EY) (Reviewed 2022)
(Revised 2024 TP)
• Support the state certification of equipment that is used to determine grain quality and
• Supports reinstating the grain inspection and sampling dispute resolution process at
the Minnesota Department of Ag. (2014 JK)
• Urges U.S. trade negotiators to demand that other countries have fair and equitable
trade agreements. MAWG opposes the inclusion of any commodity in any bilateral
trade negotiations, which fail to address the market and trade distorting policies and
programs that are prevalent in the world market. MAWG believes true reform of market
distorting policies of other countries should properly occur as part of the World Trade
Organization negotiating process. (2018 JK)
• Encourage international trade agreements facilitating the export of wheat and other ag
products. (2024 EY Revised SB)
• Supports permanent funding for Minnesota Department of Agriculture international
marketing activities.
• Supports increasing the state funding for the Northern Crops Institute. (2014 DL)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Supports efforts to improve crop insurance quality adjustments by refining loss
provisions, discount factors, and tables to more accurately reflect marketplace
discounts thereby providing wheat growers with more effective coverage during periods
of quality-related losses that do not have a negative impact on grower APH. (2024 SB /
Revised MK)
• Supports crop insurance reform that addresses producer APH reductions due to multiyear natural disasters.
• Supports additional crop insurance funding to help make higher levels of coverage
• Supports that all rule and appeal committees shall accept input from all county NRCS
and FSA offices and committees.
• Supports greater bonding and oversight requirements for grain warehouses and grain
merchandisers which include annual audits by independent parties. (Revised 2019)
• Opposes the closing of any Minnesota FSA or NRCS offices that provide service to a
significant number of producers. (2007 SP) (Reviewed 2020)
• Supports allowing the state FSA committee to set quality adjustment factors on
disaster assistance that accurately reflect market conditions at the time of harvest.
(2007 PJ)
• Supports crop insurance policies that ensure that the insurable yields for new
landowners/renters more accurately reflect the productivity of the newly acquired land.
(2007 JN)
• Supports making the crop insurance Personal T-Yield pilot program, which is available
in North Dakota, a permanent program and available in all states. (2023 SB/JK)
• Supports increasing the crop insurance loss levels that triggers an audit. (Revised
2015 CW)
• Opposes limits on how much the Revenue Protection (RP) harvest price can fluctuate
from the RP spring price. (Revised 2010 HD)
• Supports reinstating the harvest option price increase for prevented plant claims. (2010
• Supports a Farm Bill which supports a strong safety net. (2013 JK)
• Supports a statutory reference price increase that is able to react with favorable market
conditions. (2024 EY)
• Supports having Preventative Plant available for land that has been planted, harvested,
and insured in one out of the last four years. (Similar to 2013 crop insurance program.)
(2013 JK)
• Supports a crop insurance premium reduction on tile drained land. (2013 ES)
• Supports continued funding for the Farm Business Management Program. (2014 MP)
• Supports an affordable, available, and viable federal crop insurance program. (Revised
2015 HO)
• Opposes any reduction in federal crop insurance premium subsidies. (2016 SL)
• Opposes any limitation in federal crop insurance premium subsidy available to an
individual farm or operation such as a premium subsidy limited by Adjusted Gross
Income or a premium subsidy cap. (2016 SL)
• Opposes any negative change to the projected rate of return for crop insurance
companies. (2016 DL)
• Supports using RMA yield data for calculating yields for the ARC-CO programs. (2020
• Supports the re-establishment of the 10% buy-up on preventative plant. (2017 RM)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Supports the establishment of a multi-state wheat industry, consumer organization and
university alliance that increases productivity and crop quality through long-term
research. (Revised 2019)
• Supports university research in variety development for the benefit of consumers and
• Supports the Minnesota Wheat Research & Promotion Council’s research programs
and its mandatory non-refundable check-off.
• Supports continued research into wheat diseases and pests. (2009 EY)
• Supports the NAWG/USW Wheat Breeding Innovation Committee goals and policy
statement. (Revised 2017 MK)
• Supports legislation that mandates producer input on U of M research programs and
• Supports state funding for the Ag special at the University of Minnesota provided it is
only used for agricultural purposes. I.e. experiment station, extension, 4-H
• Supports state funding for agriculture research projects at the high school level. (2021
• Supports a legislative initiative to increase base funding by $20 million for critical
agricultural research programs and agricultural extension programs at the University of
Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences. (Reviewed
2018) (2022 SB/GA)
• Supports maintaining production agriculture as a component of the University of
Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences. (2006)
• Supports a regional winter wheat breeding program jointly funded by the State of North
Dakota and the State of Minnesota and other potential funding sources. (Revised 2010
• Supports an in-season pest and disease survey. (2010 BL)
• Supports making producer-driven production research a priority activity of the AGRI
fund and that broad-based producer representation become part of the oversight and
awarding process. (Revised 2017 EY)
• Supports the education and research on the safety and benefits of gluten in our diets.
(2013 KA) (Revised 2021 DL)
• Supports an increase in funding for the US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative. (2013 DL)
• Supports keeping Agriculture prominent in name and structure of any proposal merging
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) and College of
Biological Sciences (CBS) at the University of Minnesota. (2013 JK)
• Supports the right of farmers to replant public and university seed varieties for their
own use. (2014 KA)
• Opposes unreasonable restrictions on the use of drones for agricultural purposes.
(2014 JE)
• Supports continuation of the Ag Fertilizer Research and Education Council (AFREC).
(2014 BL)
• Supports public research on effective methods to measure, capture, and sequester
carbon. (2021 DM)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
- Will promote and expand the cooperation among all Ag groups in Minnesota to enhance the image of agriculture and to educate consumers on the importance of agriculture.
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Supports voluntary best management practices and opposes regulatory policies that
reduce the net income of production agriculture and weaken individual property rights.
• Supports the strengthening of Minnesota’s Right to Farm Law.
• Supports stronger enforcement of noxious weed control on public and private land. i.e.
ag land, CRP, RIM, DNR, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, CPKC Burlington Northern
Santa Fe, State of MN roads and Watershed Districts, road and rail right of ways and
other public lands. (Revised 2008 EY) (Revised 2024 MG)
• Supports and encourages direct producer participation in Soil and Water Conservation
Districts, Watershed District working groups and NRCS local working groups, which will
have a major role in determining how conservation and environmental initiatives are
implemented at the local level. i.e. notification of meetings by email, text message,
and/or mail. (Revised 2011 JK)
• Supports the use of peer-reviewed science when considering climate change
legislation, striving for a net economic benefit to producers. (Revised 2019 MK)
(Revised 2021 MK)
• We urge that NAWG and MAWG request that the U.S. Congress and the appropriate
committees conduct oversight hearings on legislative intent regarding the application of
the “Clean Air Act” and the “Clean Water Act” by the Environmental Protection Agency
including but not limited to the following: use of fracking in oil production and fuel tank
storage enclosures on farms. (Revised 2019 MP)
• Opposes efforts to limit accepted crop or livestock production practices on producers.
(2011 JO) (2021 Revised MK/DL)
• Supports the work of Discovery Farms Minnesota. (2015 MH)
• Opposes any attempt to reinstitute the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Advisory
Board. (2015 TG) (Revised 2021 TP)
• Supports legislation allowing a farmer to protect crops and livestock from wildlife
destroying or attempting to destroy or injure crops or livestock. (2015 TG)
• Opposes legislation that would give state agencies regulatory authority over nonpoint
sources of pollution. (2016 DL)
• Supports reestablishment of the state apiary regulatory program at the Minnesota
Department of Agriculture. (2016 DL)
• Supports a science-based, peer reviewed climate-smart (i.e. carbon) program that is
federally administered (through FSA) with new apportioned funds from Congress with a
simple enrollment process, including early adapters to earn equitable payments. (2022
• Oppose any efforts by tribal governments to establish new or additional regulations
and/or permitting processes on property owned by non-tribal members. (2023 SB/MG)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Supports reform of Minnesota’s eminent domain law to ensure that eminent domain is
used only for public infrastructure & utility purposes and not for private economic
development, conservation, habitat, or recreational purposes. (Revised 2008 EY)
• Endorses an adequately funded, incentive-based, long-term conservation fund, which
enhances the environment and removes fragile and marginal acres from production,
such as CRP and other long-term programs that idle acres at comparable commercial
rental rates. And believes additional CRP Environmental points should be given to
areas which have been frequently flooded and which could temporarily hold water at
different times throughout the year.
• Opposes permanent easements on agricultural land.
• Supports worthy conservation practices such as voluntary buffer strips, wildlife habitat,
wetland restoration, and flood control/mitigation; and MAWG will work with USDA to
enhance adoption of these practices under the Continuous CRP and other such
programs that do not rely on permanent easements. (Revised 2015 KA)
• Urges that CRP continue to be classified as agriculture land so that it does not have to
be posted.
• Urges that CRP qualifying criteria take wind and water erosion into equal account and
that adequate ranking be given for wildlife habitat benefits.
• Urges the rules of Conservation Stewardship Program should take into consideration
the regional differences and county needs in all management practices. i.e. Winter
Cereal Incentive Program
• Opposes any waiver of penalties on land that is taken out of CRP early. (2007 EY)
• Supports a voluntary DNR hunter “walk-in” program on private land provided the
landowner is exempt from liability. (2007 JN)
• Supports Lessard funds be used for working lands conservation efforts.
• Opposes land acquisition with Lessard funds. (2014 AB)
• Opposes federal and state agencies from funding non-profit organization purchases of
real property or easements for wildlife or conservation purposes, and the housing of
these organizations in government offices. (2015 DL)
• Supports an increase in the national CRP acreage cap. (Revised 2017 JK)
• Supports efforts by counties and townships to limit further acquisition of private land by
government or non-profits. (2017 J.L.M)
• Supports increased funding for Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and
Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP). (2018 JK) (Revised 2021 MK)
• Urge NRCS to expand planting window for single species cover crops from September
15 to October 1. (ie: oats to break greenbridge and for ease of management) (2024
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Opposes pesticide label removals that are not based on peer reviewed science.
(Revised 2019 MK)
• Opposes legislation that would give local units of governments or tribal governments
the authority to regulate the use of fertilizer or pesticide products. (Reviewed 2021)
(Revised 2024 MG amended MK)
• Opposes the legislature, any local units of government, or tribal governments from
passing any law preventing farmers from planting seed approved by the federal
government. (Reviewed 2021) (Revised 2024 MK)
• Opposes efforts to restrict state registration of, or require state environmental review
of, pesticide products approved by the EPA. (2006) (Reviewed 2021)
• Opposes legislation that places limits on or requires record keeping of commercial
(non-manure) fertilizer applications. (Reviewed 2021)
• Opposes legislation that requires pesticide applicators to provide notice of application
or that application records be made public. (Reviewed 2021)
• Opposes on-farm inspection or permit fees of any kind regarding on-farm liquid
fertilizer storage. (Revised 2015 KA)
• Supports application of pesticides by licensed applicators with no additional restrictions
beyond the label. (2007 MP)
• Pesticides applied according to label directions should not be considered point source
pollutants. (2009 RM)
• Supports maintaining exclusive authority for the common detection program, pesticide
registrations, and the regulation of pesticide and fertilizer use with the Minnesota
Department of Agriculture and not the Minnesota Department of Health. (2007 JN)
• Opposes efforts to require verification of need prior to the use of any registered
pesticides. (2016 TO)
• Opposes legislation that would give state agencies regulatory authority over the use of
seed treatments or treated seeds. (Revised 2019 MK)
• Opposes efforts by individual states to use information from international nongovernmental entities to require unjustified, false or misleading warning labels on
products. (i.e. glyphosate listing in California) (2017 KA)
• Supports best management practices and opposes mandatory restrictions of fall
application of commercial fertilizers. (2017 KA)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Supports that all water quality and drainage issues be based on peer reviewed
scientific research in the formulation of data that will be uniformly used at all levels of
government. (Revised 2019 MK)
• Support the original determination and classification of wetlands on CRP land at the
time the contract was entered into. (2006)
• Opposes the re-delineation of wetlands by NRCS and supports the use of the original
wetland determinations for certification by local NRCS offices. (Revised 2015 CW)
• Supports the retention of water monitoring activities in the Minnesota Department of
Agriculture. (Revised 2012 KA)
• Supports legislation that would add major commodity group representation to the
Board of Water and Soil Resources.
• Supports the December 12, 2018 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
Army Corps of Engineers proposed definition of the “Waters of the United States”
(WOTUS). (2020 DL)
• Opposes DNR’s and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s ability to obstruct ditch maintenance
projects initiated by local ditch authorities. (2009 RM)
• Supports a volunteer program that provides financial incentives to temporarily hold
water on land for the purpose of reducing water flow and flooding. (2009 RA) (Revised
2021 MK)
• Supports flood control in the Red River Valley (RRV) being accomplished through
basin-wide retention projects which provide local benefits, dikes and levees through
urban areas and limiting urban development in natural flood plains. (2014 CW)
• Supports legislation that changes Swamp Buster enforcement to a system that
provides a notice of violation before enforcement action is taken, with a reasonable
time to cure the violation before penalties are assessed. MAWG further supports
legislation that changes the current penalty provision to a scaled system that is in
proportion to the violation, with a 3-year look back limitation. (2010 JK)
• Opposes further licensing, regulation, and fees for field drainage (2013 PJ)
• Opposes mandatory buffer strips along private ditches. (2015 EY)
• Supports using Lessard funds to compensate landowners under the 2015 buffer law.
(2015 JK)
• Supports a per acre annual payment for mandatory buffer strips using dedicated clean
water funds. (DL 2018)
• Supports developing and allowing local alternative practices within the 2015 buffer law.
(2018 LJ)
• Oppose the establishment of a statewide drainage information registry portal. (2022
• Supports a policy that the NRCS has a 2-yr time limit to act on an appeal and/or
request. (2023 JK/DL)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Opposes new taxes, surcharges or fees that decrease net farm income and supports
tax incentives that increase net farm income.
• Believe that the DNR, Fish & Wildlife Service, Nature Conservancy and entities that
own land should be required to pay taxes on an equal basis to that of private
landowners. Require land acquired with Lessard funding have permanent funds set
aside for payments in lieu of taxes. i.e. ditch assessments & property taxes. (Revised
2009 RM)
• Supports increasing the maximum valuation for Ag Homestead tax credit. (2012 SS)
(Revised 2021 MK)
• Supports state legislation that mirrors the federal section 179 depreciation schedules
and estate tax exemption. (2007 JN / Revised 2020 HO)
• Supports maintaining Federal section 179 depreciation schedules and estate tax
exemption at the 2022 level or higher. (Revised MP 2018) (Revised 2021 MK) (2022
Revised MK/MP)
• Supports a larger percentage of the bonding bill to go toward roads & bridges
throughout the state instead of DNR land acquisitions. (Revised 2018)
• Opposes additional taxes on off-road fuel. (Revised 2019 GA)
• Supports state conformity with Federal regulations that exempt overtime pay for ag
workers. (2013 GA)
• Supports property tax relief on agriculture land. (2014 JK)
• Opposes any attempt by any governmental entity to enact a sales tax on agricultural
products to pay for infrastructure that is used by all Minnesota. (2015 TG)
• Supports a conservation tax credit for farmers whose agricultural land has been
planted into buffer strips. (2015 TG)
• Opposes an increase to the Minnesota “Ground Water Tax”. (2019 MK)
• Opposes using the ACCRA fund for purposes other than agricultural chemical
response and reimbursement. (2019 MK)
• Supports road use tax for electric and hybrid vehicles. (2021 MH)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
• Supports efforts by U.S. state, county and township transportation agencies as well as
private transportation companies to develop strategies that will ensure long-term
efficient use of our infrastructure.
• Supports legislation that would provide for competition in the rail system.
• Supports maintaining and enhancing water transportation systems that move U.S.
grain to export markets. (2007 MP)
• Supports increased investment in Port of Duluth grain export infrastructure. (2021
• Support and maintain improved waterway access along the Mississippi River system to
facilitate larger barges and barge tows. (2019 JLM)
• Supports an increase in the Federal mileage exemption for heavy highway vehicle use
tax from 7,500 miles to 20,000 miles for agricultural vehicles. (Revised 2019 MK)
• Supports maintaining the current ag exemptions in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration rules. (2008 EY)
• Supports reinstatement of certified DOT inspection of farm trucks and trailers to be
done biennially. (2021 KL)
• Supports federal legislation that would recognize reciprocity between states for
interstate agricultural transportation. (2008 EY)
• Supports an exemption of interstate rules within 20 miles. (2012 KA)
• Supports changes in state law that will establish guidelines and parameters for
roadside inspections and weighing so as to minimize both officer discretion and grower
inconvenience and ensure the safety of those involved. (Revised 2011 ES)
• Supports increasing truck weights to 105,500 pounds on seven (7) axles. (2012 EY)
• Supports maintaining and working to strengthen the federal Renewable Fuel Standard
(RFS) created under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. (Revised
2019 MK)
• Supports pipelines as a mode of transportation for energy products. (2024 KL)
• Supports the current biodiesel mandate of B20 during the summer and B5 during the
winter and encourage similar policies in other states and become a federal law.
(Revised 2019 MG)
• Supports legislation to ensure that weight enforcement is conducted in a legal manner.
(2015 TG)
• Opposes restrictions and/or permits from MnDOT or other government entities to mow
or hay roadway rights of way. (2017 JK)
• Opposes the implementation of California Air Emission Standards. (2020 SI) (Revised
2021 TP)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
- Supports the continued and additional funding of the rural mental health program (Farm and Rural Help Line) through MDA. (2019 MH)
- Supports reform to the federal health care law that will expand options and lower premiums. (2016 DL)
The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers…
- Supports and encourages all wheat producers to contribute to the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) Federal Wheat PAC’s. (Revised 2016 DL) (2023 MG/KL)